Separate account email and alert email
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Adrien Rey-Jarthon
It's now possible to add as many email addresses as you want and select which ones should receive alerts for each check (URL)
This response was made on 2017-11-06 (the comment date is wrong)
Adrien Rey-Jarthon
@Eelco @Bas I just want to let you know that we just added a separate billing email field so you can specify another email address which will only receive credits warnings and purchase confirmation (with PDF invoice attached). Please give it a try and let me know what you think if you're still interested ;)
Eelco Heuvelmans
Adrien Rey-Jarthon
@Eelco, yes, this is planned ;)
@Adrien; yeah that would be nice. But what Bas said would be more usefull, now I need to forward a billing e-mail to our finance department.
Bas Roovers
It would be great to have the invoice sent to a different address.
Adrien Rey-Jarthon
Do you want to have an email receiving the system message but not the alerts ? because you can already add more alert emails in the CC field.